I visited with Ronnie when he was recuperating. I did not know Ronnie very well, but I do know from the few times I ran into him after high school that he was a very kind hearted person. From the post on Facebook by his family; he was loved and what more could you ask for. A very smart person with a personality to match. I so sincerely wish he could have stuck around a bit longer.
Ronnie was a force within himself when I knew him! He always made me laugh and feel special. I remember once calling the radio station to wish him a Happy Birthday on the air and he called me right after he heard it. He was a kind soul with a big heart. He is missed.
I first met Ronnie playing "3 and 2 Baseball" along with Rick McDermott, Bernie Sears, Jerry Keller and so many of us from Bryant, Border Star, Hale Cook and J.C. Nichols. I'm pretty sure Ronnie was shortstop on that St. John's Methodist Church team. Very few of us attended that church but that was the team is our area for "3 and 2." Ronnie always brought such pure energy and fun sense of play to the completion. He was like a real touchstone of athletic spirit. And the man could dance! Nobody boogalooed or could do that James Brown slide and then spin around and drop into the splits like Ronnie Silverman. Mostly, I remember an inner light from the guy; all he had to do was smile and you were uplifted.
I knew Ronnie from Bingham through Southwest and yes he loved to dance! He was always smiling and certainly enjoyed life. In Junior High we went steady for a while and I had the chance to meet his parents. They were nice and his mom was especially charming. I know he faced some challenges in lift but always bounced back in style. I regret he had to face cancer and my thoughts are with his family. RIP Ronnie
Oh my.....memories of dance offs - he wanted to at the last reunion and I told him I would never be able to get up if we did the splits ; but knew he could - baseball,football and a man who had a big heart and alot of soul.
My memories of Ronnie go back to our Hartman days and lunches afterwards at his house or mine. His mother was always welcoming. As we moved to Bingham and Southwest, our paths diverged but Ronnie never failed to greet me with his big and sincere smile. At the reunions I could attend, he was direct and charming and caring. His combination of grit and grace were unique. I will certainly miss his heart when we gather next year. I am sorry for all our losses.
I really got to know Ronnie thru reunions, not so much in high school. At the 10 year reunion there was a big build up in the KC Star with one article about Ronnie and his parole officer Dave Sanders being from the same class. At my young age of 28 I thought how could Ronnie show his face after a news article like that. When I got to the reunion, there he was holding court at the end of the bar. No one had a better time than he did that night but no one learned more about human nature and how you don't need to hide out for past mistake than I did. He won my respect and hopefully became my friend. At the last reunion, as we were leaving, I told Ronnie about the rumor I had heard all night about him still being able to do the splits. He said "do you want to see it", I said "hell yes", and he split right down to the floor and sprang back up again like he was 16 years old. Ronnie, you will be greatly missed.
Ronnie we reconnected just a short while, before you were diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. It was such a pleasure for me to talk on facebook, with you, and to share some of our thoughts and memories. Your smile will never be forgotten.
Barbara Paskins (Talman)
I visited with Ronnie when he was recuperating. I did not know Ronnie very well, but I do know from the few times I ran into him after high school that he was a very kind hearted person. From the post on Facebook by his family; he was loved and what more could you ask for. A very smart person with a personality to match. I so sincerely wish he could have stuck around a bit longer.
Debby Sheldon (Dye)
Ronnie was a force within himself when I knew him! He always made me laugh and feel special. I remember once calling the radio station to wish him a Happy Birthday on the air and he called me right after he heard it. He was a kind soul with a big heart. He is missed.
Tuck Milligan
I first met Ronnie playing "3 and 2 Baseball" along with Rick McDermott, Bernie Sears, Jerry Keller and so many of us from Bryant, Border Star, Hale Cook and J.C. Nichols. I'm pretty sure Ronnie was shortstop on that St. John's Methodist Church team. Very few of us attended that church but that was the team is our area for "3 and 2." Ronnie always brought such pure energy and fun sense of play to the completion. He was like a real touchstone of athletic spirit. And the man could dance! Nobody boogalooed or could do that James Brown slide and then spin around and drop into the splits like Ronnie Silverman. Mostly, I remember an inner light from the guy; all he had to do was smile and you were uplifted.
Mary Armstrong (Fangmann)
I knew Ronnie from Bingham through Southwest and yes he loved to dance! He was always smiling and certainly enjoyed life. In Junior High we went steady for a while and I had the chance to meet his parents. They were nice and his mom was especially charming. I know he faced some challenges in lift but always bounced back in style. I regret he had to face cancer and my thoughts are with his family. RIP Ronnie
Carole Kidwell (Wall-Simmons)
Southwest, class of 1967, has lost a huge piece or its collective heart. Loved that guy!
Gloria Rosner (Gale)
Sweetest, most friendly person you'd ever meet.
Rick McDermott (McDermott)
Oh my.....memories of dance offs - he wanted to at the last reunion and I told him I would never be able to get up if we did the splits ; but knew he could - baseball,football and a man who had a big heart and alot of soul.
Marsha Stiefel (Pinson)
My memories of Ronnie go back to our Hartman days and lunches afterwards at his house or mine. His mother was always welcoming. As we moved to Bingham and Southwest, our paths diverged but Ronnie never failed to greet me with his big and sincere smile. At the reunions I could attend, he was direct and charming and caring. His combination of grit and grace were unique. I will certainly miss his heart when we gather next year. I am sorry for all our losses.
Pat Titterington
I really got to know Ronnie thru reunions, not so much in high school. At the 10 year reunion there was a big build up in the KC Star with one article about Ronnie and his parole officer Dave Sanders being from the same class. At my young age of 28 I thought how could Ronnie show his face after a news article like that. When I got to the reunion, there he was holding court at the end of the bar. No one had a better time than he did that night but no one learned more about human nature and how you don't need to hide out for past mistake than I did. He won my respect and hopefully became my friend. At the last reunion, as we were leaving, I told Ronnie about the rumor I had heard all night about him still being able to do the splits. He said "do you want to see it", I said "hell yes", and he split right down to the floor and sprang back up again like he was 16 years old. Ronnie, you will be greatly missed.
Sharon Davis (Atchison)
Ronnie we reconnected just a short while, before you were diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. It was such a pleasure for me to talk on facebook, with you, and to share some of our thoughts and memories. Your smile will never be forgotten.